Thursday 19 April 2012

Foldable Rubric for Assignment #1

Assignment #3 - Guitar Sculpture

Assignment #3
Guitar Sculpture
Students will build a guitar and base the design on what they have learned about the artist they chose to research for their foldable.

5 - Highly Proficient (demonstrates complete mastery)
4 - Proficient (demonstrates above average skill)
3 - Mostly Proficient (meets expectations)
2 - Partially Proficient (demonstrates some knowledge, shows inconsistencies)
1 - Not Proficient (shows little or no skill)

The structure presents clear and convincing evidence that the student

_____ has a firm knowledge of and demonstrates skill in the preparation of papier mâché.
_____ demonstrates skill in the use of papier mâché techniques.
_____ pays careful attention to detail.
_____ demonstrates craftsmanship in finishing the art work.
_____ demonstrates perceptual skill and artistic choice in the creation of a narrative sculpture that reflects their chosen artist.
_____ creates a work of art consistent with the planning process.
_____ creates an overall successful sculpture that demonstrates carefully chosen elements and principles of design.

Sculpture Unit Assignment 2 - Planning and Sketches

Assignment #2
Students must design a guitar that incorporates elements of their chosen artist’s work. Evidence of knowledge and understanding of the artist must be clear in the notations and at least three thumbnail sketches must be done. All sketches are expected to demonstrate exploration of concept and design and should be completed with colour and proper finish.

5 - Highly Proficient (demonstrates complete mastery)
4 - Proficient (demonstrates above average skill)
3 - Minimally Proficient (meets expectations)
2 - Partially Proficient (demonstrates some knowledge, shows inconsistencies)
1 - Not Proficient (shows little or no skill)

The drawing presents clear and convincing evidence that the student

_____has a complete understanding of the structure.
_____shows careful planning to incorporate the use of armatures and other support materials.
_____demonstrates knowledge and understanding of modern master’s work.

Marking scheme for the Sculpture Unit

Sculpture Unit Grade 11 Art

Modern Masters Foldable Project 25%
Preliminary Sketch/Planning 15%
Guitar Sculpture 35%
Modern Master Song Analysis and Presentation 25%

Total for sculpture unit = 100%

All assignments, expectations and rubrics will be posted on this site. Please feel free post a comment or ask questions during class time.

Thursday 12 April 2012

Modern Art Foldable Assignment

Modern Art Research Foldable Assignment
Step One:
Choose one artist from the list below:
Vincent Van Gogh
Paul Cezanne
Paul Gauguin
Henri Matisse
Georges Seurat
Georges Braque
Pablo Picasso
Claude Monet
Wassily Kandinsky
Salvidor Dali
Jackson Pollack
Georgia O’Keeffe

Step two:
You must research three aspects of the Artist’s life and work:
1)    Three key biographical facts, plus additional facts about the artist’s life.
2)    Three major works by the artist with additional details such as where they are currently located or public reaction when they were first shown.
3)    Significance or impact the artists work had in the art world at the time and make connections to current practices in art. For example, what movement did the artist embrace? Can we see this artist’s influence in other artist’s work? Why is their art important?
All research notes must be recorded in your worksheet and handed in with your foldable. Be sure to print your pictures during lab time (they can be in colour or black and white).


Step three:
Construct your foldable as per classroom instructions and the exemplar.

Artist: ______________________________________________________________________

Research Notes:

Major Works of Art
Significance/Importance of the Artist’s Work