Thursday 19 April 2012

Assignment #3 - Guitar Sculpture

Assignment #3
Guitar Sculpture
Students will build a guitar and base the design on what they have learned about the artist they chose to research for their foldable.

5 - Highly Proficient (demonstrates complete mastery)
4 - Proficient (demonstrates above average skill)
3 - Mostly Proficient (meets expectations)
2 - Partially Proficient (demonstrates some knowledge, shows inconsistencies)
1 - Not Proficient (shows little or no skill)

The structure presents clear and convincing evidence that the student

_____ has a firm knowledge of and demonstrates skill in the preparation of papier mâché.
_____ demonstrates skill in the use of papier mâché techniques.
_____ pays careful attention to detail.
_____ demonstrates craftsmanship in finishing the art work.
_____ demonstrates perceptual skill and artistic choice in the creation of a narrative sculpture that reflects their chosen artist.
_____ creates a work of art consistent with the planning process.
_____ creates an overall successful sculpture that demonstrates carefully chosen elements and principles of design.

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